Sport Conrad successfully optimized their warehouse operations with Treston

Logistics hub needed efficiency and ergonomics improvements

The logistics center is the hub of the sports product manufacturer. From here, all orders from the online shop are dispatched, and products are transported multiple times a day between the warehouse and the three Sport Conrad stores.
Until recently, employees in the approximately 38,000 sq ft warehouse walked a distance of 15 to 18 miles daily as part of the order picking process. Additionally, the individual workstations were not ergonomically adapted to the employees' needs. To optimize efficiency and ergonomics in the warehouse, Sport Conrad expanded and automated the existing logistics center within a short period of time. For this strategic move, the company entered into two important collaborations: One with Kardex, a provider of intralogistics solutions for automated storage, provisioning, and material flow systems, to automate the warehouse and shorten the employees' paths within the halls.
Additionally, the now automated processes needed to be connected to the individual workstations at goods receipt and returns areas. This is where Treston came into picture: connecting the workstations to the new automated conveyor techniques required standard products, in combination with tailor-made solutions.

Christian Vogel, Project Manager and ergonomics expert at Treston, reports: "The project was challenging in a good way. For example, we had to come up with an efficient solution for custom-made drop chutes for textile dispatch to the various branches and functionally connect the dispatch tables to the conveyor technology."
Focus on employee needs positively impacts overall efficiency

An ideal complement to the modular workstations were the ergonomic floor mats from Treston, which have also been well received in the Sport Conrad warehouse. These mats support standing work processes and help prevent fatigue.
Another advantage of the adaptability of the workstations is that they not only meet the employees' requirements but can also be adapted to constantly changing work processes.
Throughput time reduced from three weeks to two days
Originally, the project was intended to optimize only the goods receipt area of the warehouse. However, it quickly became clear that an expansion of the project to include the picking and returns areas was necessary. After the remodel, a Treston product can now be found in every part of the entire workflow, each bringing more efficiency to the respective process step. Thomas Janker, Head of Purchasing at Sport Conrad, is pleased. "We quickly saw that the use of individually adaptable solutions brings a significant increase in efficiency. Thanks to the perfect design of the tables and the corresponding accessories, the throughput time at goods receipt has been reduced from three weeks to two days."
The throughput time at goods receipt
has been reduced from three weeks to two days.
Custom-made integration of workstations to automated solutions

Another task for which Treston designed a custom-made solution was drop chutes for textiles, which were also connected to the workstations. The tailored solution allows the dispatch of packages to the three branches smoothly and without congestion, as the product lay times between the individual process steps are significantly minimized.
Successful warehouse optimization during ongoing operations
A company like Sport Conrad cannot make customers wait for their orders due to warehouse restructuring. Therefore, the project was realized during ongoing operations. The installation of Treston products followed close and continuous coordination between the client and the project manager.
The fact that the installation took place during ongoing operations even brought another major advantage. It enabled a direct diagnosis of where the integration of additional elements was sensible.
"Thanks to Treston's flexibility, we were able to complete the entire overhaul of the warehouse in three months – and that during ongoing operations," summarizes Thomas Janker.
Christian Vogel concludes: "To find the best possible solution for our customers, we always keep an eye on existing requirements as well as the cost-benefit factor. We can respond to obstacles that arise during and after the installation phase with our versatile and adaptable products, always achieving a successful outcome. We look back with pride on our collaboration with Sport Conrad, which is a great example of integrating our standard products, but also the tailored solutions we can offer our customers.”
A video of the customer success story available in German with automated subtitles in English