Customized workstations have made an impression in the production workshop

Treston cooperated with ROVIP to meet their needs in the production workshop. Following discussions on desired improvements to the existing model, we developed design proposals for the layout of spaces and furniture.
Corentin Bouchardy is head of Safety and Environment at ROVIP:

>> We are pleased to have collaborated with Treston on our new workstations in the production workshop. These custom-made workstations were designed by the “Workshop Workstation Design” committee, comprised of ten ROVIP employees, in collaboration with Treston. <<
We are pleased to have collaborated with Treston on our new workstations in the production workshop.
>> The workstations meet the needs expressed by the group, as they are ergonomic and can be adjusted in height. They consist of a work surface, a storage unit and a pull-out shelf used to put the samples made at hourly intervals.

To keep the parts off the shelf, a glass plate is located in the middle of the work surface, so that the operators can check the condition of the sampling parts.<<

Thank you, ROVIP, for the collaboration.